by Morag | Sep 24, 2024 | Health, Rehoming, Training, Update
I would like to share how transformative Morag’s input was for me and my dog Zela. When I adopted her, I was told she was a happy, healthy and well socialized dog. The reality was very different. From day one Zela was too scared to move. She was too scared to eat. She...
by Morag | Jun 21, 2021 | Update
I’ve been very bad at writing my newsletters since last years’ move. All sorts of excuses including poorly dogs, learning Welsh and the growth of the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society and its new company RawSAFE which have been keeping me busy...
by Morag | May 1, 2020 | Training, Update, Workshops
Over the winter, everything tends to slow down – that’s very normal in nature, and a good example for us to follow for our own well being. This past winter, I have spent a great deal of time reading, learning and thinking very hard about the future of my...