We rescued Mimi a small border collie. She had been picked up as a stray so we had no history but she was very nervous. This turned into fear reactive behaviour on walks that was getting worse and we didn't know what to do to help her. Morag provided us with a plan of...
Zela’s journey at 16 months
I would like to share how transformative Morag’s input was for me and my dog Zela. When I adopted her, I was told she was a happy, healthy and well socialized dog. The reality was very different. From day one Zela was too scared to move. She was too scared to eat. She...
“There is no one single way to deal with the grief of saying goodbye to a beloved”
“There is no one single way to deal with the grief of saying goodbye to a beloved”. This is the start of a beautiful post by Rachel Knott of My Animal Matters. Some of you may know that I am writing a book about the end of animals’ lives. It’s something that, as a...
What should we expect from puppies?
I love this quote from Dog Communication who, like us, work with reactive, anxious, aggressive and nervous dogs. Never has this been more true that with all the puppies that have been acquired during lockdown ! We are receiving lots of enquiries from people about...
Mini Book Reviews…
It's taken me a long time with moving to get back into my usual habit of being a bookworm. I've been reading some massively interesting books recently. I thought this month, I'd share a few mini book reviews. If you're on our mailing list, then they...
Summer News from Gelert Behaviour
I've been very bad at writing my newsletters since last years' move. All sorts of excuses including poorly dogs, learning Welsh and the growth of the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society and its new company RawSAFE which have been keeping me busy during...
Flossy has a very scary experience!
Something really frightening has happened to one of my dogs. Bearing in mind that I am an RVN, and have seen many dogs affected by what happened, it was still terrifying. I can’t begin to imagine how scary it would be for someone who didn’t understand. That’s why...
The Tale of a Rescue Dog
Some readers will know that I am a trustee of the Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation (BTRF). This came about through an emergency foster of a really super dog three years ago. At the beginning of the lockdown period, BTRF was contacted about a young bitch in the...
Are Your Dog’s Problem Behaviours Actually Signs of Discomfort?
This cartoon from the brilliant "Off the Leash" (Rupert Fawcett) always makes me wince a little. It's amusing, for sure, and all too familiar to many dog owners. However, it's something close to my heart at the moment as my Harry gets on in years. Let me explain why....
Faecal Egg Counts & Parasites
My good friend Iris Ege's practice is offering a special price on Faecal Egg Counts at the moment which I am very pleased to share with you. It astonishes me that so many dog and cat owners diligently give their pets powerful medicines on a monthly basis without...