Links to Colleagues
Our priority is your pet’s well being, and sometimes, we need to involve your own vet to rule out medical problems which could be affecting your pet’s behaviour. Occasionally, there are deeper issues which perhaps more conventional treatments don’t quite get to the bottom of, and through supporting my own pets, I have found some really talented people with a variety of methods of helping, here are links to some of them:

Dr Julia Ledger- Muennich MRCVS
Chirovet Wales
I was introduced to Julia by a friend last year, and she has been treating my own dogs since. They love her visits, and I do, too. Julia is so supportive and understanding and she has a wide range of holistic therapies in her “tool kit”. She collaborates with first opinion vets and is firmly of the opinion that “holistic” means “use everything you have available to help”. You can learn more about her and her work here

Tony Nevin
Zoo Ost Ltd
Tony is a very, very experinced osteopathwho I firstly tested on myself (after a rather dramatic flying lesson from my dear litle pony !!), so i truly can personally vouch for his skills !
Tony has treated my horses for a few years now (often in conjunction with Lindsay Brazil) and the difference he makes is remarkable. For me, the most important thing is that he lets them choose the pace and what they need, he really listens to each animal on each occasion that he sees them. Tony’s sense of humour helps, too !

Gemma Hodson
All About Dog Therapy
I met Gemma very briefly at a local networking meeting, and the universe was determined that that should go further, as I then discovered she was a friend of Rachel Windsor-Knott, and also very highly regarded as a TTouch practitioner by Janet Finlay, who is someone I hold in very high regard!
Eventually, we properly got together for a chat, and Gemma now treats my dogs regularly, to their great benefit. Gemma has over 30 years experience with dogs, is a Tellington TTouch Training & Behaviour Practitioner for Companion Animals offering 121’s, workshops and talks around the UK and Europe. In 2018 she qualified as a Canine Musculoskeletal Therapist (Dist) through ICAT and is currently on a journey into the world of Applied Zoopharmacognosy.
I’m really happy to recommend Gemma’s work, she is very skilled, has a lovely manner (to humans and canines!) and her work coordinates exceptionally well with ours.

Dr Michaela Just VetMFHom MRCVS
Just Holistic Vet Care
I’m thrilled to have been introduced to Michaela. Moving away from my trusted team of vets and other support systems for my elderly dogs was very alarming. Michaela has been an amazing support through Flossy having a vestibular episode and also in all of their regular “old dog maintenance”. She is a homoeopathic vet and also trained in acupuncture. I was espeically thrilled when I had to see a local very conventional vet, and when I said tha Michaela had looked after FLossy when she was so poorly, they said “oh, yes, we’ve had several people have very surpisingly good results after seeing her”. So it’s not only me who thinks she’s amazing!
Contact Michaela – [email protected] or call 07974 333752

Dr Brendan Clarke BVetMed VetMFHom MRCVS
I’m incredibly fortunate to work with some amazing vets and it’s so good being able to collaborate to help each other’s clients. The expression “two heads are better than one” is so true.
As well as both being on the committee of The Raw Feeding Veterinary Society Ltd, Brendan and I have been working together to launch RawSAFE. I’m also VERY envious of his goats now I don’t have my own livestock, hence my insisting on a picture with a goat for this link !
You can learn more about Brendanand his team at Towerwood Vets here. Brendan has clients all over the world via video consultations. You can follow him and Dr Nick Thompson ( see above for more information) and Dr Conor Brady via Raw Pet Medics, which I can’t recommend to you highly enough.

Dr Nick Thompson
Holistic Vet
Nick is a compassionate vet with a flare for seeing a clear way through challenging cases. He has a special interest in nutrition, and has taught me more than I can recall !
His practice is calm and peaceful, not many dogs enjoy a vet visit, a visit to Nick is a very different experience. Nick’s support of the humans involved is exemplary, too.
I often ask Nick to help where I believe a change of diet is key to helping a dog, and he often adds lots more than I anticipate when seeking his help.